姓 名:文大东
职 称:副教授

1.2005.09~2009.06 长沙理工大学数学与计算科学学院,获理学学士学位
1. 液态金属快速凝固过程模拟;
1. 2017年获得湖南工程学院 “卓越计划”课堂教学方法与手段改革优秀教师。
2. 2018年指导本科生获得湖南省第五届大学生物理竞赛省级二等奖。
3. 2018年指导毕业生获得校级优秀本科毕业论文。
湖南省自然科学基金青年项目:微量掺杂Cu-Zr合金的团簇遗传性调控及其对非晶形成能力的影响机制(编号:2018JJ3100),2018~2020, 主持
企业横向课题:智能箱包自动跟随系统设计与实现,2018-2019, 主持
国家重点研发计划项目:高通量多尺度材料模拟与性能优化平台设计 (编号:2018YFB0704000),2018~2022,参与课题一.
1. Dadong Wen, Yonghe Deng, Xiongying Dai, Zean Tian ,Ping Peng, Atomic structure insight into crystallization of undercooled liquid metal Zr during isothermal relaxation processes,Philosophical Magazine,2019,https://doi.org/10.1080/14786435.2019.1644464(第一作者、通讯作者)
2. Dadong Wen Yonghe Deng; Xiongying Dai; Zean Tian; Yunfei Mo; Ping Peng, Evolution of local atomic structures during rapid solidification of liquid metal W, Modern Physics Letters B , 2018.10.30 , 32(30) : 0~1850368.(第一作者、通讯作者)
3. Wen Dadong; Deng Yonghe; Liu Jian; Tian Zean; Peng Ping, Effect of high pressure on the formation and evolution of clusters during the rapid, solidification of zirconium melts, Comput. Mater. Sci. 2017.12 , 140 : 275~283.(第一作者、通讯作者)
4. D. D. Wen, P. Peng, Y. Q. Jiang, Z. A. Tian, W. Li, R. S. Liu, Correlation of the heredity of icosahedral clusters with the glass forming ability of rapidly solidified CuxZr100-x alloys, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2015,427,199-207. .(第一作者)
5. D. D. Wen, P. Peng, Y. Q. Jiang , Z. A. Tian, R. S. Liu, K. J. Dong,The effect of cooling rates on hereditary characteristics of icosahedral clusters in rapid solidification of liquid Cu56Zr44 alloys , J. Non-Cryst.Solids, 2014, 388,75–85. .(第一作者)
6. D. D. Wen, P. Peng, Y. Q. Jiang, R. S. Liu, On the heredity and evolution of icosahedral clusters during the rapid solidification of liquid Cu50Zr50 alloys, J. Non-Cryst. Solids,2013,378,61–70. (第一作者)
7. 文大东,彭平,蒋元祺,田泽安,刘让苏.快凝过程中液态Cu64Zr36合金二十面体团簇遗传与演化跟踪,物理学报, 2013, 62, 196101.(第一作者)
8. Lin Lang, Huiqiu Deng, ZeanTian,Fei Gao, Wangyu Hu,DadongWen,Yunfei Mo,The effect of Mo addition on structure and glass forming ability of Ni-Zr alloys.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2018,775:1184-1198.(合作研究)
9. Y. H. Deng,D. D. Wen, Y. Li, J. Liu, P. Peng,Local atomic structures of amorphous Pd80Si20 alloys and their configuration heredity in the rapid solidification,Philosophical Magazine, 2018, 31:2861.(合作研究)
10. Y.Q. Jiang,D.D. Wen, P. Peng, A DFT study on the competition and evolution characteristics between icosahedra and FCC clusters in rapid solidification of liquid Ag.Journal of Molecular Liquids 230 (2017) 271–279.(合作研究)