姓 名:王祝君
职 称:教授

1992.9-1996.6 就读于湖南师范大学数学系,获数学教育专业学士学位
1996.7~2000.8 在怀化学院数学系从事教学科研工作
2000.9~2003.6 就读于湖南师范大学数学系,获数学教育专业硕士学位
2003.7~2007.8 在怀化学院数学系从事教学科研工作
2007.9~2010.6 就读于上海师范大学数理学院,获计算数学博士学位
2010.7~ 湖南工程学院理学院
1. 最优化理论、算法与应用
1. 湖南省教育厅重点项目:约束最优化问题的高效算法及其在信号处理中的应用(编号18A351),2018~2021, 主持
2. 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目:求解大规模约束最优化问题的不精确过滤线搜索算法研究(2016JJ2038), 2016~2018, 主持
Zhujun Wang*#, Li Cai, Zheng Peng. A family of global convergent inexact secant methods for nonconvex constrained optimization, Journal of Algorithms &Computational Technology, 2018,12(2):165-176
Zhujun Wang*#, Detong Zhu,A filter line search algorithm based on an inexact Newton method for nonconvex equality constrained optimization,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series),2017,33(3):687-698.
Zhujun Wang*#,Li Cai,Detong Zhu,Line search filter inexact secant methods for nonlinear equality constrained optimization,Applied Mathematics and Computation,2015,263(2):47–58.
Zhujun Wang*#,Detong Zhu, A class of improved affine-scaling interior-point secant filter methods for minimization with equality and box constraints,Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing,2015,47(1-2):133-151.
Zhujun Wang*#, Detong Zhu, A nonmonotone filter line search technique for the MBFGS method in unconstrained optimization,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,2014, 27(3):565-580.
Zhujun Wang*#, Detong Zhu, Projected affine-scaling interior-point Newton’s method
with line search filter for box constrained optimization, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014,230 (2):484–495.
Zhujun Wang*#, Detong Zhu, A reduced Hessian algorithm with line-search filter method for nonlinear programming, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012,217(3):7679-7691.
Zhujun Wang*#, Detong Zhu, A filter-line-search method for unconstrained optimization, Journal of Applied Mathematic and Computing, 2010,34(1):329-342.
Zhujun Wang*#, Detong Zhu, An affine scaling interior point filter line-search algorithm for linear inequality constrained minimization,Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 2010,31(8):955-973.
Zhujun Wang*#,Detong Zhu, A Line Search Filter Secant Method for Nonlinear Equality Constrained Optimization, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2010,23 (1):1-19.
12.Li Cai,Zhujun Wang,Detong Zhu,A line search filter inexact reduced Hessian method for nonlinear equality constrained optimization,Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing,2015,48(1-2):365-380.